
Pull request github desktop
Pull request github desktop

pull request github desktop
  1. #Pull request github desktop how to#
  2. #Pull request github desktop full#
  3. #Pull request github desktop code#

Build a scratch org based on the feature branch in the VS Code Terminal, type this command: cci flow run qa_org -org qa.In GitHub Desktop, select Repository→Open in Visual Studio Code to open the current repository and branch.She can then merge Tasha’s work into the main branch of the repository so it becomes part of the package.īecause you’re doing this on your own, you’re going to skip many of the early steps of reviewing, but let’s take a look at how you'd review the customizations in a different scratch org and then merge the pull request into the main branch. She does this in GitHub, by clicking Review changes and selecting Approve, and Submit review. Having reviewed the code and seen Tasha's customizations in action, Isabel is ready to approve Tasha's work. If Isabel doesn't already have a copy of the Food Bank repository on her computer, she'll need to clone the repository before building a scratch org on her computer.

#Pull request github desktop full#

To see the full scope of the changes, Isabel might also spin up a scratch org based on Tasha's branch. When she looks at the Files changed tab, she's able to explore the changes to the application’s metadata line-by-line, and add review comments to help Tasha clarify her work and identify possible risks. Isabel is all ready to start reviewing Tasha’s work! Her first step is to look at the pull request in the GitHub repository in the browser. Now that Isabel has access to the repository, Tasha adds Isabel as a reviewer on her pull request. She does this within the GitHub Settings tab in the browser. This is the first time Isabel’s collaborating on the project, so the first step is for Tasha to add Isabel as a collaborator with Write permission on the GitHub food bank repository. Let’s take a look at how Tasha and Isabel work through the review and approval process on Tasha’s customizations. You use pull requests when you need your colleagues to review your changes and run your customizations through a Quality Assurance (QA) process. Pull requests and branches help support collaboration.

#Pull request github desktop how to#

Later in this unit, you’ll learn how to merge this pull request into your main branch.

  • When you’re finished adding details about the changes you want to make, click Create pull request.
  • In Issues Closed, enter - Fixes #1, since 1 is the issue number you created in Unit 2 of this module: Make and Capture Development Changes.
  • In Changes, enter a description of what you did, such as, - Created Delivery and Delivery Items objects and fields.
  • CumulusCI handles generating cumulative release notes for your project's releases using content entered in the body of pull requests.
  • The pull request’s body is populated with several headers.
  • Create a pull request select Branch > Create Pull Request. GitHub opens in a browser window.
  • In GitHub Desktop, make sure you have your feature/deliveries branch selected, and click Publish Branch. Pull requests provide a way for teams to track, review, and combine team members' work. Share this with team members by pushing the changes to GitHub, where you can request for another person to review your proposed changes by creating a Pull Request.
  • Enter a Summary and Description indicating what you've changed: Created Delivery and Delivery Item objects.Ĭurrently your new branch with your customizations are stored on your computer.
  • A commit is a defined point in the history of your project: with a commit, you add the changes you’ve made to version control. Now on the feature branch, it’s time to create a commit to preserve these changes. This tells GitHub Desktop that you want the changes you’ve already made to start out your new branch.
  • Select Bring my changes to feature/deliveries.
  • Enter feature/deliveries for the branch name and click Create Branch.
  • Click New Branch, to create a new branch off of main.
  • Select the tab named Current Branch: main.
  • You should see your changes from the last module, which you pulled from the dev scratch org.
  • Open your repository in GitHub Desktop.
  • Create a feature branch and add your changes to it: Create a Feature Branch on GitHubīranches are used to isolate your development work, or “features,” from other team members’ changes. It’s time for Tasha to get these customizations into a feature branch for Isabel to review the work. Using feature branches helps ensure all customizations are reviewed and approved, and keeps different sets of changes isolated from one another.
  • Explain how to collaborate with others on Git projects.
  • Describe how a feature branch on GitHub works.
  • Describe what a Pull Request is and when to use it.

  • Pull request github desktop